God of War's Kratos nearly had a completely different accent

God of War's Kratos nearly had a completely different accent
Images via Santa Monica Studios

Written by 

Joseph Kime


20th Mar 2023 12:30

There are a lot of things that come together to make the God of War games special. For one, Santa Monica Studios' phenomenal writing that turned Kratos into a sympathetic father - a far cry from his hacking-and-slashing past.

2018's soft reboot was the story of a man and his son growing closer together despite grief and nasties getting in the way. But this, along with the series' infectious gameplay, would be little without the incredible voice acting carrying it.

Christopher Judge's Kratos was instantly iconic as he took over from Terrence C. Carson, and has kept the internet on top of their impressions long past his first appearance. Strange that he almost sounded completely different.

Kratos almost had a British accent

While it's hard to imagine, 2018's God of War was almost an even bigger departure from what came before, with Judge trying out a British accent for the bearded brute. 

Revealing in a new interview with IGN, Kratos himself has revealed that his initial take on the character boasted a British accent. Ultimately, it didn't work out - meaning we got Kratos' gruff growl instead. 

"Our first day on set, we're doing our first take and you see like people like whispering, and talking then Corey walks over to me and he says 'was that a British accent?' and I said 'apparently not a very good one if you have to ask me,'" says Judge.

Thankfully the accent didn't last and eventually turned into the Kratos voice that we know and love, and that chimney sweep Kratos didn't come to life.

Sunny Suljic teases Christopher Judge for his career

Judge goes on to mention that when he bumps into Sunny Suljic, the voice behind Atreus, he jokes that his chemistry test with the actor is responsible for his successful career.

"I get to the chemistry test and this little runt of a kid is there but he was so engaging and so intelligent and we just hit it off immediately.

"We had just met like our relationship was there from the very first words. [...] Sunny still says 'hey, I should be getting 10%, I'm responsible for your career, I'm the one who said I had the best chemistry with you!'"

To be fair, if we were even partially responsible for bringing Kratos to life, we'd never shut up about it, so it sounds like Suljic is keeping it to himself.

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