How to complete the Charged Interaction mission in DMZ

How to complete the Charged Interaction mission in DMZ
Images via Infinity Ward

Written by 

Samam Hasan


4th Aug 2023 09:26


You may want to know how to complete the Charged Interaction mission in DMZ. The DMZ mode is filled with a wide variety of missions that task players with many things to do. One of them is the Charged Interaction mission given by the Crown faction.

So, keep reading below on how to complete the Charged Interaction mission in the game.

How to complete the Charged Interaction mission in DMZ

The Charged Interaction mission is a Tier 5 mission for the Crown faction. The objectives of this mission are:

  • Find and take the explosive charge from the Zaya Observatory tunnel entrance
  • Deliver the charge to a dead drop to neutralize the timer
  • Take the charge and deliver it to the Shopkeeper in Koschei Complex

  • Find out how to complete the Pacific Foothold mission in DMZ.

How to find the explosive charge at the Zaya Observatory tunnel entrance

dmz zaya observatory tunnel entrance
Click to enlarge

The first step is to find the explosive charge at the Zaya Observatory tunnel entrance. It is located west of the Zaya Observatory, at the E5 coordinates of the map. You will notice a blast door there, and the explosive charge will be in front of it.

If you haven't seen it, it has been taken by a player or exploded. The timer for the charge starts the moment you spawn into the map, so you will have to be quick.

How to deliver the charge to a Dead Drop

Observatory Dead Drop location in DMZ
Click to enlarge

After you've acquired the charge, you'll have a short time to deliver it to a Dead Drop. The nearest one is definitely the Zaya Observatory Dead Drop. It is located west of the Observatory, in between three buildings. Quickly go to the dead drop and deposit it to stop the timer.

How to deliver the Charge to the Shopkeeper

koschei complex in dmz
Click to enlarge

After you've disabled the timer, you'll now have to deliver it to the Shopkeeper at Koschei Complex. Enter through any one of the entrances and unlock the blast door to the Chemical Treatment Plant of the Complex.

You'll need a car battery and jumper cables to unlock the blast door. Then, find the Factory Admin Key inside the vents there. Once you've found them, head west, and you'll stumble upon a blast door with A/1 written above and already opened.

Go through it, and you'll find another small door that will lead you to the Factory Admin Area. The Shopkeeper is located east of that area. Make your way until you find the sign that says 'Shop' where the Shopkeeper is. Deliver it to the Shopkeeper's Dead Drop, and the mission will be completed.

So, that is everything you need to know about the Charged Interaction mission in DMZ. We also have a guide on the Flight Plans mission.

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