New Tac-Stance movement includes slide cancelling for close quarters

New Tac-Stance movement includes slide cancelling for close quarters
Sledgehammer Games

Written by 

Jack Marsh


17th Aug 2023 19:52

Sentinels, prepare yourselves. After a year of protection, you're going back to being caught in the open if you're not careful, as new movement mechanics are coming in Modern Warfare 3.

One of the main gripes in MW2 for most players was that the footstep noise and slow movement made for a very slow pace of game, and SMG mains were hung out to dry.

But that's all changing, as Modern Warfare 3 announces a new Tac-Stance which comes as a haven for the run-and-gun players. 

Modern Warfare 3 adds a new 'Tac-Stance'

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If gung-ho is your motto, then you will love this new Tac-Stance mechanic, as Modern Warafre 3 is introducing a hybrid between ADS and hip-fire which allows close-quarters combat to be much more fluid.

This means that there will be a quicker way for players to snap onto enemies at close range, rather than having to swivel at breakneck speed with your iron sights focused in.

The Tac Stance mechanic will be available to toggle on and off, where it will trade mobility for accuracy, significantly reducing your ADS time at the expense of a wider bullet spread, and it can be used whilst sliding - and slide cancelling...

Slide cancel and reload cancel returns in Modern Warfare 3

With the return of classic mini-maps and an increased health limit, Modern Warfare 3 has also confirmed that you can now slide cancel and cancel other actions like reloading and throwing grenades, something that was taken out for Modern Warfare 2.

These features have been "refined", so they might not be as powerful as in previous games, but the movement buffs are back. 

You will still have to be a straight shooter to succeed, as movement isn't everything, but at least Modern Warfare 3 is encouraging more ways to play rather than posting up with an assault rifle on a head glitch.

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