There will be no original maps for Modern Warfare 3 at launch

There will be no original maps for Modern Warfare 3 at launch
Sledgehammer Games

Written by 

Jack Marsh


17th Aug 2023 19:32

We all know that you could have the best Call of Duty game in to the world, in terms of engine, gunplay, and movement smoothness, but if the maps suck, you're in trouble.

So with Modern Warfare 3 trying to push for as many fan-requested features as possible, all it needs to succeed is a good map pool.

Yet that's going to be pretty difficult to decipher, as Modern Warfare 3 will have no original maps when it launches.

Modern Warfare 3 will launch with MW2 (2009) remasters only

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All 16 multiplayer maps from Modern Warfare 2 (2009) are coming back in Modern Warfare 3, but that appears to be it, as Call of Duty has confirmed that there will be no original multiplayer maps at launch.

The classic pool of Highrise, Quarry, and Rust will be available in Modern Warfare 3 at launch, with all 16 maps down to Skidrow and Kirachi being available.

The classic maps will be "remasters" of their originals, meaning that they aren't a complete copy and paste, but will have some tweaks to the landscapes too.

Modern Warfare 3 will only have original maps 'post launch'

Sledgehammer Games has promised 12 original 6v6 maps are in the works though and will be added throughout MW3's timeline, all coming as "post-launch" content.

This will likely be split up into two maps per season, with the possibility of one coming at the start and the other coming in the mid-season update.

There will be some original content though, as Ground War fans will be treated to three Battle Maps and there will also be one War map that will host the returning WWII fan-favourite game mode.

MW3 devs confirm 12 new multiplayer maps are coming post-launch
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