Fuse Heirloom is coming to Apex Legends next

Fuse Heirloom is coming to Apex Legends next
Images via Respawn Entertainment

Written by 

Alex Garton


10th Aug 2023 17:20

Heirlooms are, without a doubt, the most sought-after cosmetics in Apex Legends. The mythic-tier items require you to either spend a lot of money or get extremely lucky when opening packs.

Alongside Season 18 came the ongoing Death Dynasty Collection Event, which introduced Revenant Reborn's "Death Grip" Heirloom recolour to the Outlands.

While the new scythe's incredible animations have kept fans entertained, now everyone's attention has shifted to the next candidate for an Heirloom.

Although players would usually just have to speculate, a new Apex Legends leak has revealed that Fuse is next on the list for an Heirloom.

Leak reveals Fuse is getting next Apex Legends Heirloom

Reliable Apex Legends leaker KralRindo has revealed that Fuse will be the next character in Apex Legends to get an Heirloom.

After trawling through the game files, Kral found a variety of new animations for the Bombastic Explosives Expert, which is typically a clear indication that a mythic tier item is on the cards.

When it comes to what the Heirloom will be, that's a complete mystery for now. Fan concepts in the past for Fuse have included a spiked baseball bat, a beer bottle, and even a guitar.

Any of these options would be incredible, and you can guarantee Respawn has taken inspiration from a few. Recently, all of the Heirloom releases have been extremely impressive, so let's hope the streak continues with Fuse.

When will Fuse's Heirloom be released?

Fuse Apex Legends
Click to enlarge

Currently, there's no official release for Fuse's Heirloom, as it hasn't even been announced by Respawn yet. However, as we're guaranteed another Collection Event in Season 18, it's safe to say we can expect it within the next three months.

That's incredible news for Fuse fans, who have been waiting a long time for their turn in the spotlight. Now, the rare item is just around the corner, so fingers crossed that Respawn has come up with a brilliant design that fits his charismatic personality.

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