Call of Duty has an awesome 13-year-old Oppenheimer Easter Egg

Call of Duty has an awesome 13-year-old Oppenheimer Easter Egg
Activision | Universal

Written by 

Jack Marsh


24th Jul 2023 17:25

Barbiehemier, Oppenie, Barbie, Oppenheimer, the cinematic world is a blur right now with polar opposites genres taking over screens all over the world.

With one focused on a micro-relationship in a self-centred universe, and the other being the fate of the world in the midst of war, both films have taken over Hollywood while conquering marketing and social media too.

Although Barbie has been around forever, the story of Oppenheimer isn't as well-versed in the modern day. But that doesn't mean it hasn't strayed into pop culture before, as references to Oppenheimer have now been found in 13-year-old Black Ops 1 Easter eggs.

Oppenheimer Easter Eggs found in Black Ops 1

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J. Robert Oppenheimer was a theoretical physicist credited with the creation of the atomic bomb, a much more sinister theme than a love affair between Barbie and Ken. 

However, he also features in the Call of Duty series too. Easter eggs from 13 years ago are now emerging which show Oppenheimer discussing the Maxis files with Dr. V Bush in correlation to the Zombies map Verruckt.

Within the Call of Duty lore on the Verruckt asylum, letters were exchanged between Oppenheimer and Bush, in which the former explains that he visited the site and found a letter from "John", a.k.a Banana,  containing a "fascinating" limerick depicting their final moments.

Oppenheimer features in the Black Ops Zombies series

The "father of the atomic bomb" features in Call of Duty a few times following his initial exchange in Black Ops 1, also being mentioned in the maps Der Riese (remastered), and Classified, where his name is used in an Easter egg, as Ultimis Richtofen will make you analyse a chalkboard with Oppenheimer's studies on.

The lore also says that Oppenheimer was a part of the Majestic-12 group who study conspiracies and that their studies also took place in Nuketown and Kino Der Toten. His famous quotes, including, "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds," also features in The Giant and TranZit.

Of course, Oppenheimer's work also directly created the nuke, so every time you're dropping a MOAB or an MRG Missile in the series, his dark influence will be felt.

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