Call of Duty is planning more Modern Warfare games

Call of Duty is planning more Modern Warfare games
Images via Sledgehammer Games

Written by 

Jack Marsh


18th Aug 2023 17:35

We're approaching the third instalment of the second Modern Warfare trilogy, marking a combination of six games underneath the Infinity Warfare-created series.

Modern Warfare 3 was expected to round off this newly rebooted series as the threat of Makarov resurfaces, with many believing that a trilogy would be where this chapter of Call of Duty ends. However, we might be very wrong. Infinity Ward has claimed that the Modern Warfare series is "just getting started."

Modern Warfare 3 won't be the end of the series.

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Brian Bloom, the narrative director for the Call of Duty, has now confirmed that this Modern Warfare series will not end with MW3, and will continue developing the character's arcs beyond the upcoming game.

"We think of character arcs as going one way, but they can also fall off their arc, they can go backwards, people can evolve and devolve," Bloom said in an interview with The Washington Post.

"All these things, they offer rich, fertile ground to tell stories, and that’s not going to stop. In fact, I would say we’re just getting started."

Where does the Modern Warfare series go next?

Well, for starters, this could be the last time that we ever see Captain Price, as MW3 players are convinced that he will die in the campaign.

With this, IW could then be free to start looking at other characters, such as Ghost. Ghost's backstory has never been divulged, despite many players wanting to know who is under the mask.

Other angles could include a Laswell arc, or even something dabbling into Shepherd, pitting players against good and evil as the pressure is put on the General to turn on Task Force 141 again.

One thing is for certain, though, IW isn't ready to say goodbye to the series yet. This also means, no jet packs any time soon, either.

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